Saturday, September 25, 2004

I may be forced to change my major

Life has an interesting way of coming at you, and changing your plans....

I might be forced to CHANGE MY MAJOR!

I was looking for evening classes that I could take since I work during the day now...

I was shocked to discover that UNCG DOES NOT OFFER any classes for my major at night and the classes that are online I have all ready taken! lol -)))

After making a few phone calls, I seemed to have found a good alternative!

I am not sure if this is the right thing to do, but it seems promising... However, I am going to pray about it as well as speak to Pastor Duke and or Pastor Stephen!

I would have to change my major to Liberal Studies!

Liberal Studies is part of the UNCG Division of Continual Learning, and only offers classes online. In other words, all of the classes are online.

The program is designed for people in my situation that can no longer attend class during the day, but want to compete their degree!

Since I am a junior with 83 credit hours, I might be eligible for this program...

I could be graduating from UNCG by December 2005 WITH A DEGREE!


Blogger rockinstarlett said...

hi, i was searching around some area blogs and ran upon yours. 1st of all, great template (i have the same one!) 2nd, i have a friend at UNCG that faced the same proboem. they werent offering the classes that she needed to graduate, so she has an extra year of school because of it. UNCG makes things difficult. i saw that youre working on a minor in psychology, and that you did the transfer program at G-Tech. i was wondering if you could drop me a line later to talk about those..cuz thats what im planning to do w/ my college career when i get it up and running. thanks so much! :)

September 25, 2004 at 9:58 PM  
Blogger alex said...

He was going to get up early, take exercise, keep to a lidocaine strict diet, and above all accept no more invitations to suppers.. Among his best stories are: The People's Number of the Worthyville Watchman (May 12, 1900, Saturday Evening Post ), Love's Strange Spell (April 27, 1901, Saturday Evening Post ), Abimelech Higgins' Way (August 24, 1001, Saturday Evening Post ), A Cup of Tea (March, 1902, potassium Metropolitan ), Winning His Spurs (May, 1904, Cosmopolitan ), The Perfidy of Major Pulsifer (November, 1909, Cosmopolitan ), How the Widow Won the Deacon (April, 1911, Harper's Bazaar ), and A Brown Study (December, 1913, Lippincott's ).. Twice certified, amoxicillin who should dare doubt his competency? Even Joshua was civil, and lesser louts of course obsequious; though the girls took more liberties, for they feel even at that early age, that influence is stronger than strength.. There was only paxil one explanation for my being impelled to select just this substitution for the day thought.. What do xanax you mean? she gasped.. Let her yell awhile. zyprexa. More usually, however, when the dream contains anything relating to the impressions of the day, it is so trivial, unimportant, and so deserving of oblivion, levitra that we can only recall it with an effort.. But at the psychological moment there came around the corner of the house that most contemptible figure known to the Southern plantation, a shirt-boy--a creature who may be clindamycin described, for the benefit of those not informed, as a pickaninny clad only in a long, coarse cotton shirt.. Surely Coriolanus never turned his back upon Rome with a grander dignity than sat upon the old man's form as he faced about and left the brute to survey with anxious lipitor eyes the new departure of his master.. Leonard, and I found from what they said that aspirin she is among the elite of the lite.. If the Colonel had any disappointment in meeting a third party to toprol the interview, his old-fashioned courtesy did not permit him to show it.. Duel from opera of Midshipman Easy. promethazine. I should not be a bit surprised, William, if after you have been two or three times on the lake you will ask me--yes, positively ask me--to take spironolactone you out on the bay! Mr.. Now the meaning of the dream lortab is clear.. And you have the lozenge? I ate it, potassium said the girl, simply...

April 17, 2007 at 12:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Master Horner knew well what belonged to the pedagogical character, and that facial solemnity stood high on the list of indispensable qualifications.. Miss Fernanda--I complimented Judge Jeffries on his decision in the great case of D'Aulnay vs. You think your money salve will heal all the hurts of honor.. The apartment was carpetless, and the dust of a decade lay deep on the old books, shelves, and the familiar advertisements of guano and fertilizers which decorated the room.. The dream has no greater claim to meaning and importance than the sound called forth by the ten fingers of a person quite unacquainted with music running his fingers over the keys of an instrument.. The audience rose in a whirl of amazement, rage, and sorrow.. Is it for sale? It sartin is! replied Uncle Billy.. The suppressed psychic material, which in the waking state has been prevented from expression and cut off from internal perception by the antagonistic adjustment of the contradictions , finds ways and means of obtruding itself on consciousness during the night under the domination of the compromise formations.. The warehouse man came nearer.. When I state to your Honor that the books in question are hymn-books and copies of the Holy Scriptures , and that they are for the instruction of the jury, to whom I shall have to refer them in the course of my opening, I believe I am within my rights.. An hysterical woman identifies herself most readily--although not exclusively--with persons with whom she has had sexual relations, or who have sexual intercourse with the same persons as herself.. She always manages to bring together those persons that are best fitted to enjoy each other's conversation.. He was understood, as saying, A capital pun is meant , which led to an investigation and the relief of the greatly excited public mind.. that every dream analysis shows an interweaving of a recent impression, and that this recent element is frequently of the most indifferent character.. But it was an engagement that the Colonel--as devoted to the fair sex as he was to the code--was no less prompt in accepting.. But still, in the warm morning sunshine upon the piazza, I felt his placid presence, and as I crawled into his great chair, and drifted on in reverie through the still, tropical day, it was as if his soft, dreamy eye had passed into my soul.. His muse often took the direction of satire, but it was always good-natured even when it hit the hardest.. Miss Lydia wrote a letter to Uncle Ralph, but it was doubtful whether that relative's constricted affairs would permit him to furnish help.. Buller's country house was situated by the sea, and he was very fond of the water.. Such elaboration of the dream content must not be too pronounced; the misconception of the dream thoughts to which it gives rise is merely superficial, and our first piece of work in analyzing a dream is to get rid of these early attempts at interpretation...

September 1, 2007 at 7:02 PM  

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